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Posted over 5 years ago
Jamón ibérico. // Our team is carving the best hams in the world for our guests, everyday. . HAND CARVED 50% ACORN FED IBÉRICO HAM (@jamonesgranadinos) | 24 months, Baza, Granada → $28.00 // Cured naturally in cellars located in the favourable dry climate of the sacred Spanish foothills of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de los Filabres. . 🔪: @neevalsidhu 📸: @impatrickt . . . #madrina #madrinaTO #distilleryrestaurants #distillerydistrict #distilleryTO #tapas #tapasbar #spanishtapas #foodgram #torontoeats #torontofood #foodphotography #toronto #yummy #instafood #tastethesix #yyzeats #52grams #torontofoodies #tastetoronto #ham #jambon #mediterráneamente #mediterràniament #catalantapas #iberico #ibericoham #jamón #jamongranreserva #hamstand


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